According to WHO, in 2014, 422 million people worldwide suffered from diabetes, compared to almost 4 times less, i.e. 108 million in 1980. The global prevalence of this disease has increased from 4.7 to 8.5% of the adult population of the world, which reflects the increase in risk factors such as overweight and obesity – added the director.
As the WHO report indicates, 64 million people with diabetes live in the European region (from Portugal to the eastern ends of Russia, along with Israel, Turkey and former Soviet republics). This result is responsible for as much as 9% health expenditure in Europe, which in turn translates into $ 1.56 billion annually.

Diabetes is the cause of suffering and many life difficulties of patients and their families. It can lead to blindness, renal failure, limb amputation, and even death. It is also a burden for the economy. It is associated with huge financial outlays both for state healthcare and for the budgets of the patients themselves.
As official statistics show 3% of people die directly from diabetes. The result, however, does not show a full picture of how this disease threatens human life. Diabetes, especially type 2, coexists with cardiac diseases and is one of the risk factors for strokes and heart attacks.

Myocardial infarction, stroke, peripheral atherosclerosis, but also kidney disease and their failure – these are all the effects of increased glucose in the body.
Studies show that out of ten women who have had a heart attack, four have diabetes. Up to 40% between 60 and 70 years old men with diabetes gets a heart attack. According to statistics, the number of diabetics who suffer heart attacks increases with age.
At the same time, it is estimated that around 20% of Type 2 diabetes could be avoided. Therefore, WHO has put forward a set of recommendations that can significantly reduce the risk of diabetes.
Prevention of diabetes is simple. It is 30 minutes of physical activity a day, and for children and teenagers – 60 minutes. You should have healthy meals composed of vegetables and fruits, three to five times a day, reduce sugars and saturated fats, and avoid smoking.
You can also use homeotherapy or preventive measures for the prevention of diabetes.