Using the simplest methods often gives the best results.
The first step.
Each trader who starts his adventure with the markets, as soon as he understands the basics of the platform on which he trades, begins to look for his own ideal system.
Each beginner trader directs the first steps towards moving averages, their combinations, exponential, simple or weighted, experimenting with different periods of these averages in the hope of finding the Holy Grail.
The next stage of the search is indicators. First, there are the most known: Stochastic, RSI, CCI, alligator and so on.
After weeks or months of unsuccessful testing of basic indicators from MT4, the search for the more complex ones on the network begins. Some are looking for the free, generally available ones, others think that these indicators for which you have to pay are much more effective.
All in vain.
The second step.
After many unsuccessful attempts with moving averages, with popular indicators, several burnt accounts, and finally with indicators often costing fifty or one hundred dollars each is followed by a great discovery; Expert Advisors.
Expert advisors seem to be the universal key that solves all trading problems. After experiencing such already familiar with the market trader trading robots seem to be a machine for printing money.

So an intermediate trader decides to completely change his trading strategy. After several unsuccessful attempts with renko candles, he decides to buy a real robot praised on various internet forums, costing several dozen or several hundred dollars.
A purchase decision is made, and the money is transferred. Market success seems to be inevitable again.
In the trader’s imagination, the vision of an account growing up to six digits already appear, the clink of gold coins and the rustle of hundred-dollar bills are heard.
The beginning of trading looks very promising this time; everything goes ahead for a few days or weeks. Although the cash on the account does not increase as quickly as it looked at the beginning, the account keeps growing and this is the most important thing.
And then comes a nasty surprise; for unknown reasons, the market suddenly goes crazy and within a few hours the would-be millionaire gets a margin call email from his broker.
Dreams burst like a soap bubble; Instead of driving a new Ferrari, our would-be millionaire will still have to drive an old Toyota and live with his parents. Although everything was supposed to be so wonderful.
The best solution
Dozens of indicators, moving averages, or Expert Advisors do not guarantee success in trading. Used to a moderate extent and with caution they are very helpful in increasing our chances in trading.
Under no circumstances do I want to discourage you from using indicators or Expert Advisors. Some of them are very effective and combined properly can increase your efficiency by up to 70-80%. However, this requires a lot of work, considerable experience in trading and proper money management.
Instead, you can apply simple geometric rules that WD Gann uses when trading. Their effectiveness is around 75-85% and learning these methods will take you literally a few minutes.
Watch the video below; it takes less than eight minutes, and using the method in this video will definitely help you to become a successful trader.
Below you will find the next video about how you can apply geometry in trading. You can do all this quickly and effectively. Happy trading.